Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 27

Yes, over four weeks since the prep began on December 7 (i.e. since I was evicted from my bedroom and bathroom and reduced to 300 sq. ft. living.  But we are making progress.

We passed the electrical inspection on Friday.  Hurrah!  That was apparently a bear and my contractor informs me that he spent over 100 extra hours on that part of the process because of the difficulty of working with the conduit.  Sorry to be hardhearted, but too bad for him.  Live and learn.

Here are some pictures of our current status.  They start sheet rocking today in the kitchen while they finish up electrical in the bathroom.

These are the can LED lights in the kitchen

Here's the insulation -- ready to go into the wall today.

Lots and lots of light switches

This is the view from the kitchen looking out into the living room.  This will be the bar.

This is the hole for the downdraft from my new oven.

They had to cut a huge swath in my wall just to put in a new plug.  Yuck

This is the new LED can light, with a full double sheetrock "box" to make it fireproof.

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